Sunday, July 13, 2014

Why does acne occur with women aged over adolescent?

Acne frequently happens during puberty or after puberty. And will be improved in the late teens or early age of 20, but sometimes it may be found that acne is not until adulthood. Or in some teenagers  are not pimples, but after the age of adolescent, they are acne.

Believe that acne in this age, because working women with high stress. When the body is under stress, Hypothalamus gland in the brain sends neurotransmitter to stimulate pituitary gland which sends neurotransmitter to stimulate the adrenal glands. And then adrenal gland stimulate the ovaries in females and testicular in males, to build up testosterone. Testosterone stimulates the sebaceous glands to produce more sebum. Thus cause acne to increase.

Moreover, they found that acne in women after adolescence, can be caused from cosmetic.
There are 2 types of cosmetic acne:
1. Acne consists of clogging fat (comedone) only, seen as a blackhead and whitehead acne.
2. Acne inflammation, certain ingredients in cosmetics, only greasy cosmetics such as make-up or moisturizing cream. (moisturizer), some can cause acne.

If you use cosmetic, and it causes acne, you need to find cosmetics that are labeled non comedogenic cosmetics or if the acne inflammation, you need to use cosmetics labeled as non acnegenic.

Found that acne in some women after adolescence, may be due to abnormal levels of hormones in the body. This type of acne is often resistant to treatment. You may need to see a gynecologist with a dermatologist. To the appropriate treatment.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Acne medication must apply all over the face or not.

Acne medication: Topical antibiotics such as erythromycin, clindamycin.

Normally if a few acnes, may use acne medication and apply only acne are inflamed.

But if your skin is tend to be acne because of acne obstruction. Just need the drug as above and apply over the face.

Or apply for a specific location; is often a pimple, such as the forehead, cheeks, chin and nose.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

How to select what facial cleanser and cosmetic for acne skin.

You should use the products identified. "It does not cause comedone (=non-comedogenic) because no ingredients that stimulate acne. It was found that many acne medications can cause skin dryness and irritation.  Especially during the first 2 - 3 weeks of drug use. You should avoid cosmetics or facial cleanser that makes the skin more dry which is cosmetic for oily skin.

Intensive makeup does not recommended for people with acne. The product should be as dust (powder) is not a cream or a cake powder. Because the powder product is less irritating to the skin and don’t stimulate the comedone.

The technique used for makeup to camouflage acne marks. It makes the skin look smoother. Using the color of foundation powder is green, applied over red head pimples. Make the skin look well and smooth.

Does lack of sleep cause acne or not?

Question: I noticed that acne happens every time, during the approach to my exam at school, if I need to lack of sleep in order to read the book.

Answer: Lack of sleep is one kind of the stress. It may cause acne. Because stress affects various body systems, such as changing hormone levels, which result in more acne. It noted that many teenagers have more acne when close examination, which is a consequence of the stress itself.

In addition, the acne itself causes stress as well. Moreover age to watch an exam is often a teenager, usually has a pimple.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Topical drugs of acne can make the skin sunburn.

Topical drug of acne as the group of vitamin A acid make the skin sunburn easily. Actually the drug causes the outer skin or scurf layer is thin down.
Epidermis as scurf layer usually can protect the sunburn. Therefore, if using drug group as vitamin A acid for treating acne and wrinkles or visible signs of aging. Need to apply the drug before bedtime at night. Should avoid the sun and use sunscreen regularly.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Benzoyl peroxide and vitamin A acid

Question: Topical acne treatment such as benzoyl peroxide (BP) and vitamin A acid. Can we apply to the acne with both of them together.
Answer: BP and topical vitamin A acid are the drug that doctors and pharmacists are often recommended for the treatment of acne. Which should be precaution :  Don't use benzoyl peroxide and vitamin A acid at the same time and same area. Because benzoyl peroxide makes vitamin A acid inactive. So we need to apply benzoyl peroxide in the morning or the afternoon. And apply vitamin A acid before bed.

If using BP or vitamin A acid already. Be careful when using fruit acids(alpha hydorxy acid). Because these drugs are likely to cause skin irritation. If used together, they increase the risk of skin irritation.

The use of vitamin A acid should start with a low concentration. Then gradually, concentration increases.
 In addition, some acne patients, at the beginning of the use of vitamin A acid, should use the low concentration. May also have to apply every other day until skin is familiar, then once every day.
Normally this medication in the form of a topical gel or solution causes skin irritation easily than in the form of cream.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

What is acne and how to remedy?

There are two types of acne:
1. Acne is caused by blockages in the ducts of sebaceous glands (comedone).
The closed pore of acne is called a "whitehead", but later blockages may push the pores open, it is called "blackhead" acne.
2. Acne is caused by a blockage of the small clusters of hair in the hair follicle. (trichostasis spinulosa). Seen as small black spots. This is common as well.It is usually found in adults. While the first type common in teenagers.

The two types of pimples, usually occur around the nose and cheeks. Some people solve this problem
By squeezing on pimples. It may cause skin inflammation and infection spread. So if used the correct way to eliminate blockages in the hair follicle, whether fat or small clusters of hair properly. It can make pores look smaller and reduce pimples.

Currently, there are many ways to eliminate acne, such as topical treatment for acne. Pressing the push of acne with acne extractor.(comedone extractor).
To use the mask. To use the vacuum. And use a blackhead remover sheet,which should be used only once a week and should follow the instructions on the label.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Does amenorrhea cause acne or not?

Cause of missed a period (amenorrhea), which is found in people who are pregnant and people who are menopause. Common found in athletes and dancers, very thin models who are low in fat, making the production of testosterone insufficiency.

If menstrual not coming over 2 months. Or inconsistent Or excessive I need to see a gynecologist for a correct diagnosis.

Irregular Menstruation causes acne or not. The research of Dr. Cunliffe. (Dr.Cunliffe) of England, the authors about Acne (acne) indicate that the pathogenesis of acne in women with normal menstruation, or menstrual disorders, women with hairy are equally. Irregular menstrual is unlikely to be the cause of acne.

However, we found that 2 in 3 of female patients with acne already have acne increased. , And purulent inflammation in the 7 days before menstruation. Because premenstrual period, there is water retention in the body. Opening of pores smaller. The flow of fat in sebaceous gland duct is not good. Therefore, clogged and inflammatory acne followed.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Why benzoyl peroxide (topical drug of acne) make spotted cloth.

Benzoyl peroxide provide free oxygen. This helps in acne treatment. When this medicine has stained such as: clothing, towels, or even hair. It make fabric spotted or hair color lighter. So must be used carefully

What soap is suitable for people with acne?

The belief that acne is caused by dirt or wash your face unclean. It is incorrect.
Acne is a disease of the sebaceous glands under the skin, clogging and complications of a bacterial infection.

Wash your face with soap too often. Or use strong soaps. In particular medicated soap or soap mixed scrubbing. It makes the skin dry and irritated easily.

So facial wash for both people with acne and not acne 1-2 times daily. They may use the soap for scrubbing face once a day, is enough. Recommended to use baby soap scrubbing to foam on palm and rub the face.
And rinse with clean water. Then use the towel to dry gently.

How does STYLING HAIR GEL cause acne?

STYLING HAIR GEL cause acne on the forehead. Commonly called pimples made ​​from pomade oil (pomade acne) because the sticky hair oil that makes the sebaceous gland duct obstruction. Originally this type of acne is more common among black people. They use most gel because of curly hair.

At present,teenagers use styling gel increased. They requires sticky gel so acne is caused by STYLING GEL more. Appearance of nodules of this pomade acne. Seeing as acne obstruction. May find little red pimples And some pustules.

Best advice is to try a new hairstyle. Choose a hairstyle that does not require any gel like skin head or long hair, or if use gel had to be careful not to stain your forehead.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

There are many types of acne.

     I am 20 years old, second year in college studying. I'm worried about acne on my face. Why do my several friends have had no acne, or less? I want to know what cause acne, and how to practice with acne.

     Acne is the most common type of the disease. It is estimated that 85-100% of people get pimples. Acne is most found on the face, chest and back. Acne commonly found, called ordinary acne (or acne vulgaris).
But also a disease caused by specific causes and looks different from regular acne, it called extraordinary acne. (or uncommon acne)
     Extraordinary acne is a strange kind of acne, such as:-
1. Scratch pimples (acne excoriee), someone squeeze and sheep skin dramatically. And when examining the skin, acne and not acne scars, but finding wounds and abrasion. It may be signs of stress.
2. Satire acne (acne mechanica), which is encouraging, aggravated by heat. And friction to the skin. Those who like to wear tight jeans, be careful because it makes the skin abrasion.
3. Cosmetic acne (or acne cosmetica) was more common in women of working age. But nowadays, acne in teenagers can be found because it began to make up since childhood. It also found that men are more cosmetic acne. Because modern men using cosmetic called metrosexual man.

Cosmetic acne is usually found as a small red bump. It is found a rash of the cheeks, chin and forehead, after using cosmetic usually 2-3 weeks or several month.
4. Pomade acne found in people who use hair gel, oil or sticky residue. And usually occur on the forehead, temples, scalp. Hair gel and oil or sticky residue cause pore obstruction.
5. Mcdonald's acne found in teenagers who work in fast-food place. That is frying oil to cause the acne.
6. Acne is caused by drugs. Position of the acne drug different from ordinary acne. Acne drug is usually found on the body rather than the face, back, chest. Acne drug is the most common acne in teenagers.
7. Baby acne is acne in children aged 1-8 years. To find acne in childhood is uncommon. This may be caused by too fast into teenagers from a certain disease, such as disorders of the endocrine system.
8. Acne of gram-negative bacteria, look as pustule and cyst, as a result of complications from the use of antibiotic for a long time.
9. Acne is caused by tinea infection, resembles a tiny red blister, is only 2-4 mm. Diameter. Pore may find small pustule on a red blister. Found on the chest, back, upper arms, neck, scalp, rarely found on the face. And is often associated with itching.
10. Acne causes red-faced. It looks red, swollen bluing, small red blisters and pustules together. It is found that capillaries dilate on the cheeks, forehead, chin and nose. Patient often have a red nose and a vesicular pimple on the nose. When the disease is chronic, it will make the nose bigger. This condition is known as rhinophyma. Also known as a nose of WC Fields (WC Field's nose) named for the lifeless American comedian with a big nose because of this disease.

Furthermore, extraordinary acne is found in the famous person, such as: acne caused by toxic substance, looks as yellow cysts, and yellow cysts with grey jook, most find the face. It's well known that the former President Victor Yuschenko of Ukraine has acne of this kind on his face, because he had been secretly poisoned with dioxin substance. And it was reported that the former President Bill Clinton of the United States is red-faced acne and have WC Field's nose.

For the practice, some types of acne can be treated by your self. Whenever you purchase an acne medication, you need to read labels carefully and follow the instructions correctly. But some types of acne need to see a doctor for a correct treatment. Generally, if you have acne, you should visit your doctor when you are in this situation:-
1. When you apply topical drug several times, symptom do not improve.
2. There are many acne inflammations, red, swelling, pain. Or acne recovered but often scar formation.
3. Women with acne caused by facial hairs, or have irregular menstruation. They will need to see a doctor.
4. If the symptoms of acne don't be approved. It is more inflammatory, more swelling, and have fever. You had to go to the doctor immediately. This may indicate that there is inflammation and serious infection.
5. 1.The person who feel embarrassed when has a pimple, or feeling depressed
    2. When acne is healed, but black marks left very long time.
    3. The extraordinary case of acne. As mentioned above.
All 3 cases should go to the doctor to get the correct treatment. /ask/detail/ 8898